Vasakh Film Festival

FCCU Organizes 3rd vasakh Documentary Film Festival

Lahore; May, 27: FCCU organized 3rd vasakh documentary film festival from 18th to 20th May here on Tuesday.

This event was organized by FJS (Formanite Journalism Society) in collaboration with IRC (Interactive Resource Center) under the supervision of prof: saleem Abbas and other teachers of Mass-communication department. The festival held in newly built S-Block Armacost Building, where the documentaries of immature producers and directors from all over the country participated .This year the Festival was celebrated for three days; 18th, 19th and 20th May and documentaries from different universities like BNU, Guest of honors :Syed Noor, Muno Bhai, Actor Salman Shahid distributed prizes among the students .Vice Rector of FCCU C.J Dubbash thanked the guests and presented them Vasakh soveniers.

The prize distribution ceremony on the 3rd day of the festival was accompanied by a splendid “Sham-e-Ghazal”in which FCCU music society students, local singers and world fame singer Shafqat Salamat Ali Khan sang beautiful ghazal.

PU, Kaniard College , Fatima Jinnah College ,Fatima Jinnah University Islamabad , Jamshoro University of Sindh .University of Sindh stood first ,FCCU and Fatima Jinnah got 2nd and Punjab University got 3rd position.